"The Tudors" - a brilliant masterplay depicting the life of King Henry VIII
a small epitaph in its memory -
A land existed, a king lived;
Some people flourished, while some perished.
Amour, Frolic and Gaiety prospered;
Truth , Reality and Conscience obscured.
The country prospered, diplomacies were sought,
Infidelity- betrayal and blood-lust brought.
Christendom re-established, the papacy humbled;
The king, the heir, the bishops fumbled.
Wars fought, and battles won;
Of peasants and footmen's wives mourn.
Revolts , reprisals and disgruntle bellowed;
The sweet sound of death quietly followed.
Six wives, the king, the princes lived,
Some lived to live, while others perished!
-An ardent observer!