Well honestly, we’ve all heard of how long girls take to
dress up, and how they pay attention to every minute little detail before
stepping out of their room. More so on public occasions, where they usually
take over a couple of hours to sort out their dresses, brush their hairs, try
out dozens of slippers, matching undergarments (God knows why?), matching
accessories, floss their teeth, pour perfume all over their well pressed scanty
dresses, and finally end up remodeling the entire getup, and wearing something
rather odd (and sleazy at times). However, in the following part of our post,
we’ll be discussing something entirely different, “Boys dressing up”.
Boys! now, even boys love to dress up, however much they
claim that they simply don’t care how they look. There are two kinds of
occasions which will cover most of the usual circumstances: The first is the usual
day to day mundane routine:
In all of the following we shall not be considering the cleanliness freaks who take baths regularly and comb their hair and wear “spick n span” clothes to work/classes. We shall instead consider those lazy scumbags, (like me) who simply don’t care about the masses on regular occasions.
In all of the following we shall not be considering the cleanliness freaks who take baths regularly and comb their hair and wear “spick n span” clothes to work/classes. We shall instead consider those lazy scumbags, (like me) who simply don’t care about the masses on regular occasions.
It’s not that they don’t like looking good or putting on nice
clothes and getting complemented on their nice dressing style, but it’s kind of
a demand-based-clothing situation. Normal days would see them wearing a dull
monotonic T-shirt of loose hanging shirt with a baggy jeans/PJs and comfy
sandals/slippers. Their slogan always lies as “Comfort before Style”. Their
excuse being, we can look nice whenever we want to, not when others want us to!
Now, even amidst their horrible appearance and dressing style, if one notices
properly, they make it a point to change their clothes twice/thrice a week and
comb their hair occasionally.
The situation changes drastically when they get a girl or if it’s
a special occasion. Since this is the pivotal point of our discussion, let us go
through this in an elaborate fashion. There are several aspects which they take
into account:
The shirt! It has to be a new/relatively new one, or something which they rarely wear! It has to match their personality, it has to look awesome (not necessarily good), lots of deodorants! The only reason why they take less time in deciding is because, boys have fewer choices! Given a wardrobe full of dresses which girls have, I’m ready to vouch for the fact that boys would pretty much take similar time to select dresses. Oh, with the shirt dangling over the jeans, and first three buttons unfastened they need to put on some sort of a weird appeal (which God permit, certain* girls tend to like!)
The shirt! It has to be a new/relatively new one, or something which they rarely wear! It has to match their personality, it has to look awesome (not necessarily good), lots of deodorants! The only reason why they take less time in deciding is because, boys have fewer choices! Given a wardrobe full of dresses which girls have, I’m ready to vouch for the fact that boys would pretty much take similar time to select dresses. Oh, with the shirt dangling over the jeans, and first three buttons unfastened they need to put on some sort of a weird appeal (which God permit, certain* girls tend to like!)
The jeans! This would need to be a rugged one, as macho as possible, nowadays people prefer jeans which are a little torn or faded (as if to show this jeans has gone through a lot of skirmishes and battles and belongs to a very experienced campaigner). Of course, the color needs to be as faded as possible, and bluish in tinge (black and brown are only for extremely rare and select occasions).
The shoes need to be as wild as possible, as if they are going on a trekking campaign. (Personally I never understood this reasoning for party wear, but it is sadly true).
The hair: Gosh, me the hair, with Set Wets and I don’ know what not coming up, the hair, as long as it exists on their miserable heads, seem to take up weird shapes, pointy/squirmy or sometimes simply well groomed but with effusive evidence of hard-work and perseverance. The hair in general takes time and boys tend to give at least half an hour for this, both before and after dressing up in entirety.
Now after all this getup and setup, they expect the girls to
be all over them when they reach the party. Sadly, the girls, in general take
little notice of such intricacies which boys put up and the boys usually end up
making fun/complementing of each-others’ dressing senses. Such is the misery
the boys must endure, and in spite of such humiliating circumstances the
efficacy of dressing up is almost ingrained in them!
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